The PBS children's show "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" is one of the television programs that have improved the lives of millions of children, worldwide. Mr. Rogers has been voted “Television’s Favorite Television Parental Unit” for six years running. The show is considered to be one of America’s best exports and it has found a home in 80 countries, with more than 60% of those being located outside the United States.
Here are five reasons why Mr. Rogers is so loved:
1. He is a good role model for children and adults alike. In a world where more and more news can be negative, Mr. Rogers makes a positive impact on the world of TV by keeping it positive and responsible.
2. His home is a sanctuary for children. The neighborhood of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood is one of the best neighborhoods in the show where everyone works together toward one common goal, to make every human being feel accepted, contented and safe at home with their own uniquely loving family members, friends and neighbors!
3. Mr. Rogers is a good listener. This is especially important for children who are either feeling sad, isolated or lonely.
4. Mr. Rogers encourages children to participate in their own learning process and gives them the tools to do so by speaking their language and using their own experiences to explain more complex concepts such as death; “death is nothing to be afraid of because it’s part of life and always has been.” He also demonstrates how children can relate the things they learn from books, movies or television back to real life by way of a simple scientific experiment: brushing his teeth!
5. Mr. Rogers is considerate of everyone’s feelings, even his own! He always tries to make sure that everyone in his neighborhood is cared for whether they are a human being or a stuffed animal.
Mr. Rogers is the very best parts of America. We should all strive to be more like him.